PPLI’s modern hazardous and non-hazardous waste eco-landfill is engineered and operated by professionals to meet Indonesian, World Bank, US-EPA, and EU standards.
The methods and materials used in this service guarantee that hazardous and non-hazardous waste are properly managed and permanently secure. High level enviromental monitoring and audit systems are utilized to provide confidence in the long term security of the disposal facilities. Our closure and post closure plans are fully funded to provide long-term assurances.
A fully permitted Class 1 Eco-Landfill has been in service at PPLI Cileungsi since 1994. A class 2 Eco-Landfill has been in operation since 2007.
We are currently developing a system in our Eco-Landfill that would enable us to convert the methane gas produced by the waste into electricity which would empower all PPLI’s facilities.