
Invite the Community to Identify Hazardous Waste and Its Dangers, PPLI Holds Journalism Competition for the Press
The destruction of the earth is getting more and more alarming every day. The greenhouse effect causes damage to the
Mei 3, 2021
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LOYALIS (Lomba Karya Jurnalistik) Lingkungan PPLI 2021
TIME LINE Periode : 1 Mei – 1 Juni 2021 Penyerahan karya jurnalistik pada tanggal 1 – 7 Juni 2021
April 30, 2021
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The Ministry of Manpower Awards PPLI for Zero Accident Company
In the momentum of International Occupational Health and Safety (K3) Day, the company managing Hazardous
April 29, 2021
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Do You Know The Next Step of PCBs Waste Treatment After Oil Draining Process? Part 1
(A little preview) Oil Draining process PCBs waste in temporary storage will be moved to oil draining area. In oil
April 8, 2021
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PT. PPLI Ungkap Permohonan Maaf Dan Bertanggung Jawab Atas Insiden Di Area Pengolahan Limbah Di Bogor
Bogor, 22 Maret 2021: PT. Prasadha Pamunah Limbah Industri (PT. PPLI), sebuah perusahaan yang bergerak dibidang pengolahan limbah bahan berbahaya
Maret 22, 2021
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Do You Know The Initial Steps of PCBs Waste Management in PPLI When The Waste Arrives?
This is how it started. Temporary Storage of PCBs Waste Treatment in PPLI PPLI has its own temporary storage. PCBs
Maret 12, 2021
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